Cat Bites

Why are cat bites so dangerous?

Why is it that cat bites can be so dangerous?  Over one million bites are reported in the United States yearly, most in children.  Close contact with cats poses an important health risk to certain segments of the human population.

Cat bites wounds are more likely to become infected in people.  Systemic complications from bit wounds occur more commonly when the patient has underlying disease such as liver or kidney failure, diabetes mellitus, or degenerative joint disease.

Infection with human immuno-deficiency virus or treatment with immunosuppressive drugs for cancer, immune-mediated diseases or for organ transplantation, have rendered these patients more susceptible to infection with zoonotic diseases.  Patients with prosthetic heart valves or joints are more likely to develop systemic or local complications from cat bite wounds.  If you are bitten by a cat, contact your doctor immediately.

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