Posts Tagged: "NCGIA"

I’m a Certified Master Cat Groomer from NCGIA.. I went to school to learn how to groom cats. 

Why have your cat groomed you ask? Well a long haired cat can get a small tangle that quickly turns into a mat, a mat can turn into a bigger mat and finally a pelt that covers kitties entire body  and it’s painful. If a mat is under your cats armpit for example it can be really, really painful. And guess what? A short haired cat can get them too.  

Remember when your mom combed out your hair when you were a little girl? When you had a knot or a tangle you would cringe and whine and cry. Now imagine that you are small and have four legs, and can’t speak…

This is Zeva;

This is her after picture



She comes in for grooming every six to eight weeks. She loves to be clean and beautiful and she knows it. The first is the after and the two are before.

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Pet Grooming Unregulated Industry

Pet Grooming Unregulated Industry

With pet grooming being such an unregulated industry, it benefits the owner to have someone that is as caring and experienced as Elizabeth Farmer. Her steps for completing such a difficult task are polished, and well thought out. She goes through a thorough interview (with the owners), often asking question pertaining to length of ownership, and how often the pet gets groomed. having such a high reputation allows for her to maintain good communication with local veterinary facilities in South East Florida.


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Certified Cat Groomer

Elizabeth Farmer, CFMG (Certified Feline Master Groomer)Rest assured that your cat will be in good hands being groomed by a professional with credentials to back up my claim. I make sure the job is done correctly the first time.  954-328-9022
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