Category: "Shedding"

I’m a Certified Master Cat Groomer from NCGIA.. I went to school to learn how to groom cats. 

Why have your cat groomed you ask? Well a long haired cat can get a small tangle that quickly turns into a mat, a mat can turn into a bigger mat and finally a pelt that covers kitties entire body  and it’s painful. If a mat is under your cats armpit for example it can be really, really painful. And guess what? A short haired cat can get them too.  

Remember when your mom combed out your hair when you were a little girl? When you had a knot or a tangle you would cringe and whine and cry. Now imagine that you are small and have four legs, and can’t speak…

This is Zeva;

This is her after picture



She comes in for grooming every six to eight weeks. She loves to be clean and beautiful and she knows it. The first is the after and the two are before.

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Jamaican Me Crazy ~ Dreadlock Kitty

Whether it’s litter in the paws or fecal matter and urine clinging to the rear end, anything foreign stuck to a cat’s coat makes it dirty and unsanitary. A professional cat groomer can clean up the mess and give the cat a sanitary clip and/or toe tuft trim to help prevent accumulation in the weeks that follow.  Often times a belly shave will also help keep the cat much cleaner.

Cats like to look good and smell good. But often they do not. If you’ve never had your cat professionally groomed, you will be amazed at the difference in how the cat smells, looks, and behaves afterwards! Imagine having a fresh, luxuriously soft and pleasingly fragrant cat snuggle up to your side.  Your friends will be impressed next time they drop by. After all, your pet is a reflection of you.   954-328-9022

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Cats Skin

Cats have skin and hair much like ours. It’s constantly growing and shedding the old hairs. It’s skin secretes natural oils that coat the hairs and give it that nice kitty shine. Additionally they have two layers of skin, the dead skin flakes off and causes dandruff. In turn the dead hairs, oily skin and dandruff form into clumps that turn into knots, tangles and mats and if left for a long time they can eventually become a pelt. Even a short haired cat can get mats! This is painful for your cat and causes extreme discomfort.    954-328-9022 (The Purrfect Cat Groomer)


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You Groom Cats?

I’ve hear this all the time from people. And I admit that sometimes I feel a little crazy about it. But most cats do need grooming from time to time. If you are the proud owner of a long-haired cat you know this well. those of us who are owned by a long haired cat understand that dark clothing is no longer allowed unless you’re into, “white cat hair all over my black pants” look. Last time I checked it still wasn’t in fashion. If i could turn back time, I would’ve invested my money in the company that makes those sticky lint-remover roller things. I have a few at home, one in the care and one in the suitcase. My investment would have paid off.

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Lion Cut

The Purrfect Cat GroomerThis is your basic Lion Cut for a Persian, nice Fur Cut for Hot Summer Months!

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Lion Cut

The Purrfect Cat GroomerPicture of basic Lion Cut for Persian. Nice fur Cut for summer.

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Cat Owners Need to Know

Many cat owners have no idea that their cat CAN be professionally groomed.  It can make a tremendous difference if you have shedding problems.

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