Posts Tagged: "removal cats claw"

Instead of Declawing

Declawing is the removal of a cat’s front claws so it can’t scratch furniture or people.  Declawing is very controversial.  Some people believe it’s inhumane to delclaw a cat because the surgery causes needless pain and suffering.  They compare declawing a claw to amputating a finger.  If you buy a purebred cat from a breeded or adopt a cat from a rescue groups, you may be required to sign a contract that forbids declawing.

Those in favor of declawing believe a cat is only uncomfortable for a few days after the surgery.  They also point out that some cats will continue to reject scratching posts in favor of destroying furniture despite all to train them properly.  Declawing a cat is certainly better than dropping her off at a shelter because he/she is ruing your furniture.

Once in a while, declawing leads to negative behavior.  Some cats start to bite after they’re declawed.  Others start to eliminate outside of their because using the litter box hurts their paws.

Try other alternatives before you your cat.  If your cat is scratching your furniture, buy a good quality scratching post.  Dangle toys and treats from the post and spray it with catnip.  Place the post in an area where the family fathers, so the cat doesn’t have to go off by herself to scratch.  Cover the furniture the cat is scratching with slip covers, or put two faced sticky tape on furniture, if possible. Your cat won’t able to grip the furniture if it’s covered.

If  your cat still scratches the furniture, try clipping her nails or try a products like Soft Claws. Cat Nail Caps that allow you to place plastic caps over your cat’s trimmed claws.

Always talk to your verinarian before you decide to declaw your cat and never deeclaw a cat that’s allowed outside.  A cat’s nails are her best defense against a dog or wild animal

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