Posts Tagged: "Excellent"

Cost of Grooming a Cat

Cats are little, why does it cost more to groom a cat than a small dog?

Cats will not stand on the table for you to groom them, as a dog will.  They usually position themselves into tight balls.  It is more difficult and time consuming to groom a cat than a small or medium size dog. Cat bites get infected. The most frequesnt type of bite is a puncture wound. When a cat bites, and it is left untreated, within the first day, a groomer could be on antibiotics IVs for several days. This means money spent for medical treatments and loss of the opportunity to serve my clients. Most groomers choose not to groom cats due to the increased risk. 954-328-9022

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Cat Groomers

Don’t go to a groomer who rarely grooms cats. Not all groomers are created equal. You cannot take techniques used for dog grooming and apply them to cats. In addition, these groomers are accustomed to dealing with dog behavior, not often finicky cats. They may not respond well to a cat’s scratching or lashing out, and the cat in turn will only become more upset. You will not get the desired results and, at worst, this could result in injury to your pet. 954-328-9022

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Why is it risker to groom a cat than a dog?

Statistics show cat bites get infected. The most frequent type of bite is a puncture wound. When a cat bites, and it is left untreated within the first day, a groomer could be on antibiotics IVs for several days. This means money spent for medical treatments and loss of the opportunity to serve my clients. Most groomers choose not to groom cats due to the increased risk.

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The WOW Factor

Quality – I want to always give my clients the WOW factor. That means when I present them with their freshly groomed kitty, their response needs to be, “Wow! She’s never looked so good!” It’s really not hard to accomplish this, given the fact that many groomers do not present a WOW factor to their clients. This means that cat owners have grown accustomed to less-than-stellar grooms. They settle for less because they think that is all they can get.

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