Posts Tagged: "cat age"

Ages & Stages Cat Grooming

Cats are living longer than before, and I suppose it is human nature to wonder how a cat’s age would compare to a human’s.  In talking with many people, I’ve discovered that the myth that dogs and cats age seven years for every one year is alive and well.  I don’t know exactly how this notion came about, but I suspect many years ago someone decided that dogs live, on average, 10 years and people live, on average, 70 – 80, so dogs age approximately seven years for everyone one human years. First of all, cats live longer than dogs, this immediately skews the calculations regarding cats. Second, it’s not uncommon for cats to be 18 or 19 years, I’ve yet to meet a 126 year old person.  Cats age faster when they’re younger, but this slows down as they get older.

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