Category: "Uncategorized"

Why Do Cats’ Eyes Glow in the Dark?

A cat’s unusually large eyes are perhaps their most striking features, and never more so than at night. When they seem to glow in the dark with an almost supernatural light.  The cat is a nocturnal prowler, and heir powerful sense of vision is what makes them so successful.  But how exactly do the eyes work? Well, not quite.  Heres’ how it works.

The feline eye structure includes the cornea, which is the clear, curved part of the eyeball in front of the pupil, the iris, which gives the eye its color, the lens, located behind the iris, the retina, consisting of a network of light-sensitive cells, and the tapetum lucidum, a Latin term that translates as “bright carpet.”  The cornea, lens.  The leans bends the light rays, focusing them to form an image on the retina.

Where does the tapturm lucidum come in?  It is what allow the cat to take in extra light in dim situations.  Lining most of the back of the retina, the tapetum lucidum acts as a mirror, reflecting light that was not absorbed the first time it passed through the retina.  The result is the glow, called eye shine, that you see when light strikes your cat’s eyes in a darkened room.  A cat can see no better than you or I when in a situation of total darkness, but when some light is present, the tapetum lucidum allows the cat to make better use of it.

Why do some cats’ eyes glow red while others glow green?  Certainly not because of any demonic influence.  The color of the light reflected back from the tapetum lucidum is related to the color of the cat’s eyes.  Cats with green or yellow eyes tend to reflect grenish light.  Cat with blue eyes, such as Siamese, tend to reflect reddish light.  Now you know!



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Cat Missing After 5 Years, Found in Manhatten

This kitty could use some grooming. A Few good baths & blow dry by a Professional Cat Groomer.

Calico named Willow, who disappeared from a home near the rocky Mountains five year so, was found Wednesday on a Manhattan street and will soon be returned to a family in which two of the three kids and one of the two days may remember her?

Wonder if she took the subway system? How did she get there?, nearly 1,800 miles away from her home in Colorado?

Thanks to a microchip implanted when she was a kitten, Will will be reunited in Colorado with her owners, who had long ago given up.

“To be honest, there are tones of coyotes around here, and owls, “said Jamie Squires, of boulder. “She was just a little thing, five and a half pounds.  We put out the “Lost Cat’s poster and Craigslist thing, but we actually thought she’d been eaten by coyotes.”

Squired and her husband, Chris, were “shocked and astounded” when they got a call Wednesday from Animal Care & Control, which runs New York city’s animal rescue and shelter system. Will had been found on East 20th Street by a man who took her to a shelter. “My husband said, “Don’t say anything to the kids yet.  We have to make sure, “Squires said, “But then we saw the picture, and it was Willow.  It’s been so long.”ACC Executive Director Julie Bank said a scanner found the microship that led to the Squires family. “All our pets are microchipped, “Squires said, “If I could michrochip my kids, I would.”

The childrend are 17, 10 and 3 years old, so the older two remember willow, Squires said. As for the 3 year old, “She saw the photo and said, “She’s a pretty cat.”




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South East Annual Cat Show 2011

32nd CFA Annual Cat Show in South East Florida

Omni Auditorium                                                                                                                                                              Broward College  North Campus                                                                                                    

1000 Coconut Creek Blvd.   Coconut Creek, FL 33066       Oct. 15 & 16, 2011   9am – 4pm

 Many Vendors, CFA Cats

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The Russian Blue

Appearance: is one of a handful of breeds that comes in only one color. Its distinctive blue.  The breed’s fur features a soft undercoat covered by stiff guard hairs, The guard hairs are longer, with the very tips silver, just beautiful! That tipping is what gives the breed its unique shimmer.  I liken it to the way that velvet catches the light.  Emerald green eyes framed by high cheekbones set off the cat’s sil-blue coat.  A graceful, muscular body with long, fine-boned legs competes the Russian Blue’s elegant look.

Grooming: use a Greyhoud Comb wash every six weeks to keep down the shedding durning the hot months.



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Cat Breeds

Fluffy Shaded Silver Persian

There are 41 breeds of Cats in the  American Cat Fancy Society.

This is a Shaded Silver Persian. Eyes must be green.


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Quick Fact About Cats

There are 41 breeds of Cats recognized by Cat Fanciers Association

There are toxic ingredients in shampoos and conditioners that can negatively affect a cat.

When people are “allergic” to cats, they are usually have a reaction to cat saliva. 


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Cats in Good Hands with The Purrfect Cat Groomer

The Purrfect Cat Groomer

In this day and time, we seldom have an opportunity to spend time with our pets. The maintenance and upkeep can sometimes be overwhelming when we have to take on our own everyday tasks. Nevertheless, our pets are, breathing creatures. They are entitled to a little pampering every now and then. But who can you trust with one of your unofficial children?

I’ve most recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Elizabeth Farmer of The Purrfect Cat Groomer. Withing the first fice minutes sitting down with her, I learned more about cats than I thought was ever possible. Not only is Elizabeth Farmer knowledgeable and pssionate about cats, she’s the Owner, and in the business of tailoring Your experience to both you and your cat’s needs.

Written by: Keemthelntern  South Florida Chronicle 


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The WOW Factor

Quality – I want to always give my clients the WOW factor. That means when I present them with their freshly groomed kitty, their response needs to be, “Wow! She’s never looked so good!” It’s really not hard to accomplish this, given the fact that many groomers do not present a WOW factor to their clients. This means that cat owners have grown accustomed to less-than-stellar grooms. They settle for less because they think that is all they can get.

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